with Sofia Spritzer at C&C Festival


Sofia Spritzer is a new drink on the market. It has two different flavors of spritzers, raspberry and lemon. We came up with a concept to get more attetntion for Sofia and decided to pitch it to them. The idea was to have custom reveal tabs at the C&C festival and give out samples of the drink.


This was already the second year we were at the C&C festival. The C&C festival is a festival in Nijmegen organized by the HG Sabre, a men’s society with a high-quality reputation and a passion for the good life. Because of this, Sofia was a perfect match. A refreshing spritzer for a beautiful summer day.


We were handing out samples of Sofia together with reveal Funttabs at the restrooms at the C&C festival. A lot of people showed up and we got a lot of positive feedback. We gave all the men who walked by a tab and if they could tell us what was on the Funtab, they could get a sample of Sofia. We had made the reveal tabs in a way said Salute! on the inside. With this we created an interactive way of marketing for Sofia.

Elevating Your Event

untab together with Sofia took the C&C Festival to the next level with its unparalleled energy, enthusiasm and excitement. It was a successful event where visitors created new memories. Funtab, Sofia Spritzer and the C&C Festival, an unforgettable combination.

Also interested in collaborating with Funtab for your festival or event? At Funtab we like to think along with you to get the very best out of your festival day!


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Marketing Tool

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1017 EM Amsterdam


+31 (0)85 051 88 02


De Innovatieve

Keizersgracht 560/562,
1017 EM Amsterdam


+31 (0)85 051 88 02